Monday, October 22, 2007

25 of the Best Memories of My Life (Part 2 of 5)

6. Hanging with Griff, Jake and Coop while programming the Indy conference
(I've never laughed so hard in my entire life)

7. Driving to school with Katie (then Sadler) and ending up at the airport
(oh, even after a dozen years this story is still amazing to me)

8. Working the bar at Starbucks; remembering names and drinks
(and being really efficient on bar)

9. Senior prom

(even though I had crazy diarrhea through most of the dance, it was still a really fun night)

10. Working as Steve Rutenbar's assistant
(there are so many stories, you can read a few here)

1 comment:

The Maguires said...

Wait for your final 5...I'm sure Wednesday will make it in. Love to celebrate who you are!