Sunday, October 21, 2007

25 of the Best Memories of My Life (Part 1 of 5)

(In no particular order)

1. Leaving Oasis of Hope, knowing in my heart that God would bring me back to live
2. Breaking my plastic high heels while throwing a fit
3. Living in London (eating food in the living room, finding, cooking Thanksgiving--this one could be 25 in itself, so I'm bundling it as one)
4. Singing at Easter services for the first time
5. Walking through NYC with my dad and best friends, in the rain, on the way to Serendipity


Julie Hibbard said...

Oh those plastic heels...
You've come a long way baby!

Brent said...

I never made it to Serendipity. The wait was like 3 hours, making it like 1:30am before I would have sat down at a table.

I might try again.