Monday, October 22, 2007

People Are Lying When They Say:

Ants go marching one-by-one

You should never mess with your hair, you'll always wish you had your natural color

When you grow up things get easier

You shouldn't paint your room a bright color, you'll get tired of it

Top Ramen isn't delicious

Global Warming doesn't actually exist

Too much TV rots your brain

Batman could beat Superman

Growing up to be like your mother is a bad thing

All water tastes the same

can you think of another?


MamaSue said...

how about "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Sometimes what doesnt' kill you is just waiting in hiding, and kills you later.

PETE Di LALLO said...

Good one Alli,
1. "Half the fun is getting there".
2. "You CAN afford it"

Julie Hibbard said...

God doesn't give you more than you can handle.

Time flies

It's better to own than rent.

Everything happens for a reason.