Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The More You Know (A Brief 'About Me')

1. It's next-to-impossible for me to have fewer than five open tabs on my Chrome browser. {Right now, there are 11.}

2. My brain never stops moving. {I just found out this is odd.} I am almost constantly thinking something--or multiple things: people, movies, song lyrics {pretty much all the time}, to do lists, what did I miss today, what should I wear tomorrow, to whom do I need to apologize. {It sounds exhausting, but it's actually not too bad.}

3. I am a great keeper of the secrets of others. I'm terrible at keeping my own.

4. I  h a t e  moving. I joke that I'd rather burn my house down than pack-up and move. Were it not for the arson charge and the expense of re-purchasing things, this wouldn't be a joke.

5. I want to live in a house full of items that could each be categorized under "Who in the world would ever want this in their home?" {like my framed portrait of the stranger: Glory Beshore...and, someday, a big giant bison head!} I imagine this will create the greatest Grandma house...


Julie Hibbard said...

#2 could quite possibly have been handed down (inherited, learned) from me. I don't believe that my brain has ever had a minute's rest. And, ironically, I would agree, it's not helps me be productive 24/7.

#5 I love your love of the unique. Do you still have the coo coo clock? The fur coat? The turtles with genitalia? That's my girl.

TSHarrison said...

I'm with you on #1 and #2, but a buffalo head is just way too big. That would consume a whole wall. I'm also with you on #4 right up to the point of arson. On this last move of mine I just gave away all my stuff (some nice Afghan family who shared some chia tea with me while practicing their English).