Monday, November 04, 2013

Second Annual Road Trip: Day 1 // The Boston Three Party

Last year, for my 30th Birthday, Cathi, Sara and I went on a road trip through eight states. {You can read more about it here: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

On the last stretch of that 3,300 mile trip, we talked about the possibility of this becoming an annual tradition--and a few months ago, the Second Annual Road Trip was booked.

This year, we chose the East Coast! {The government shut-down threatened our trip for a bit, but thankfully, all was remedied the night before we arrived, so everything was open for tourism!}

We began our trip in Boston, where all three of us were first-timers. Cathi has a remarkably hospitable friend {what up, Kelly?!} who recently moved to Boston and allowed us to wake her up at dawn, sleep on her couch and use her shower after our red-eye. {My goodness five hours of sleep can make all the difference in the world as you explore a new city!} Kelly even left us a list of recommended restaurants, coffee shops and first day sights. In short, she's the best.

We began at Pavement coffee shop where we, over warm coffee and bagel sandwiches, we mapped out our route for the day.

We walked over to the Boston Public Library. {We were given free Nestle chocolate milk on our walk. What a blessing! Thanks Boston!} It was the first library open to the public; the first to allow people to check out books.

Historical facts courtesy of Google Field Trip. I downloaded a few traveling aides before the trip to help ensure that we didn't miss anything in these new cities: Roadtrippers {the website is easier to navigate, but will sync with your phone to make a planned-at-home city tour accessible on-the-go} and Field Trip. I highly recommend the combination of these two for any future trips--or even to enhance your appreciation of your own city!

Aaaand, back to the Public Library:

I'd like to imagine a world in which I might bring a book and hang out in reading rooms like this. 

Or gardens like this:

After the Library, we found the Mapparium {via Roadtrippers} and wandered over to check it out. Photos were not allowed, so this Google Image will have to suffice. It's a giant stained glass to-scale globe. The panes are held in place by beams that also serve as latitude and longitude lines. Their audio presentation, which highlights dreamers and historical figures by country, brought tears to our eyes. {Seriously, all three of us.} It is beautiful!

In 2003, I did a semester abroad in London and fell deeply, deeply in love with Wagamama. A few years ago I heard they'd opened in Boston and knew someday I would visit. And, it happened! We stopped for a late lunch of Chicken Ramen, Gyoza, and realized dreams. Just as delicious as I remembered.

Since we'd been awake for what felt like forever, we decided to go get our suitcases and check in to our hotel. The taxi cab we called for took over an hour to arrive, but fortunately, I had some gifted, homemade peanut butter chocolate chip cookies in my carry-on and Kelly's neighborhood served as a perfectly adorable time-killer.

Those sailboats and rowing crews!

After quick naps and a semi-sketchy walk through a neighborhood including a sign that said, "Poultry killed fresh here!" we met up with one of our old students from Saddleback HSM days. Alyssa showed us a delicious ice cream shop across from Harvard: JP Licks. {Yum!} It was so fun to see her and catch up!

And that's day one. Boston day two coming tomorrow{!!!}

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