Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I've Been Thinking About You

I spent a big part of yesterday thinking about friendships.

There are people who are in your life forever and some for a short time.

As I lay in bed last night I was thinking about a few of my "short time" friends.

The circumstances surrounding the end of our friendship were messy...people were hurt, tears were shed (this is not always the case with short-term friends), and in the end we were almost forced to sit down and call it quits.


Even after all of that, what I could not help but feel was gratitude.

I know that these friends were in my life at really rough points...and, although we weren't great for the long-haul, I would not give up the time I shared with them, even if it would have spared me the heart-ache in the endings. I think I would still hang photos of the two of us in my house because of the memories attached to those days...

This is just something I was mulling over...

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

Life lessons...
Sorry you're hurting.
I love you