Monday, June 30, 2008

Scenes From Real Life

Yesterday on my way to work, I was listening to "How to Save a Life" by The Fray.
It was such a peaceful moment: soft music, early morning--no traffic.

All I could think was: if I were going to be hit by a car, it would be right now because it would be such a juxtaposition to the tranquility.

Then, later, we were in the Starbucks parking lot and it was dead silent. I said, wow...we're going to die right now...the asteroids are going to start falling or a guy's going to jump out and open fire on this crowd.

Morbid, I know...but that's what I thought.


Julie Hibbard said...

That is a strange thought to have while listening to "How to save a life"...
but I have thoughts similar to that often...
usually I think, "if someone was taping my life, this is the part I'd want them to get..."
and the song of course...the soundtrack to that experience.

Gina Vistaunet said...

I can't believe that you actually used juxtaposition in a real sentence. It was my dictionary word of the day the other day and I said, can you imagine if someone really used that in a sentence?

Alanna Moine said...

ok....I totally think these things all the time!

I attribute my constant thinking (paranoia) that my life is a movie, to The Truman Show.