Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Brought To You By the Committee For a Camping-and-Baseball-Free Life

Matt, Brian, Bethany and I were having a conversation while cooking 60 eggs on the camping trip. I had said that I don't ever want to camp as a family vacation. I would much rather take my kids to a hotel.

The question was: what if I marry someone who loves camping...

My answer: I won't.

I think, as of last night, that I've also added "does not love baseball games" to the list of hopeful husband traits.

I sat for 8 innings last night and could not tell you the score of the game.
For the first four innings I forgot that there was even a game going on.
But at bottom of the fifth, after two hours and way too much food, I was playing phone sudoku.

I will attend a baseball game. I will eat the food and have conversation...but I don't love it. Nine innings is a long time to sit there...


Julie Hibbard said...

This must be the one portion of Julie Hibbard DNA that you are missing. But having been at that game last night as well, I have to admit, it was not the most exciting. And, it is the first time in YEARS that I left a game before the fat lady sang.
Camping. That is one thing your dad and I always agreed on: never. A goblet of ice cream from room service at hotel in a beautiful excitement filled city is far better than beans on a stove in the dirt. Is that vacation? Ugh. I'd rather go to work.
Or a baseball game.

Jessica Torres said...

I go to baseball games for the food and...okay, only for the food.

PETE Di LALLO said...

a few of your aunts are missing the baseball gene too...they were tagged out at second on the way...

what IS your favorite sport?
to watch and / or play?

and camping used to be fun when your Mom and sisters were young... Bum's favorite line still is: 'If they don't have valet parking I ain't going'

Gina Vistaunet said...

Camping is for people who:
A. Have no money.
B. Don't ejoy running water for bathing.
C. Like wild life and sleeping with ants.
D. Have no fear of a bear, coyote, wild dog, alien, killers, or just a random stabber/kidnapper.
E. Don't ejoy sleeping in a bed with pillows and blankets and a fan.
F. Don't care how dirty their feet get.

As for baseball, I go to the games, but I am the official beer fetcher.