Thursday, May 22, 2008

More London

So, I made it in the was a fun part of the day, sitting out front...something I wouldn't usually do.

And then, after two confusing bus rides (passing the correct exit both times)...I found the boys.
It's almost as if I haven't been away from them for 6 weeks...we fell back in to normalcy so easily.

Dinner at Wagamama and another bus ride home...we unpacked the food I brought them (4 canisters of Pringles and a box of Funfetti would have thought it was Christmas).

I'm laying in my bed right now, completely exhausted, and still a little too excited to sleep.
I can't wait to spend the day in the city tomorrow!

I love inexpensive (staying with friends, finding a cheaper flight) international adventures!


Jessica Torres said...

Oh! have tons of fun!!!

Julie Hibbard said...

Why is it that I am SO happy when YOU are in London?
It just feels right.
love you so

Mary said...

Can you PUH-LEEEZE bring me home some Wagamama's? A whole restaurant would be fine . . .

I love London too!

Mike Lovato said...

FYI, we went to Wagamama (and loved it) based on your recommendation. Then at church on Sunday this guy came up to me and said he'd read our London blog, heard about Wagamama, and then he and his wife went three times while they were in London!

PETE Di LALLO said...

