Monday, January 28, 2008

My New York Va-KATE-tion, Day Six

Since we had a late night last night (see previous post for details)...we had a late morning today...

Our day began with a visit to Battery Park and a look at the Statue of Liberty. She's a beaut. Here's what she looks like in case you've never seen a picture of her:

To be honest, she was a side stop on our trip to another destination: Chipotle.

Sure, there are Chipotles in Orange County...but how many times can you eat a burritobol between a few Wall Street executives and a homeless woman building her own bol out of the garbage can next to you?

Our lunch conversation was primarily about how much we love Chipotle, and how much I judge people who don't like beans because I'm pretty sure I could eat beans everyday for the rest of my life...beans and cheese, beans and rice--I'm going to wager that I could eat Mexican food everyday for two months and be completely happy...that's why it would be so difficult for me to live in the Midwest (or England)--but that's another story...

After lunch we walked to South Street Seaport...which used to be awesome, but has grown less and less so over the years...It's the New York Docks equivalent of the Laguna Hills Mall. (For example: they have a store in which everything is made out of Sand Dollars.) Katie made friends with this guy:
haha, I wish.

We came back to the hotel and relaxed with some Starbucks and a few good books...

Then, we met up with Matt Jensen down in Little Italy.
This isn't actually Matt Jensen, but Google Image Search results gave me this or a kid swimming with dolphins...and this is funnier. family has always eaten at this restaurant called Puglia, which is totally delicious (the scene in Big Daddy when Adam Sandler takes the girl to the Italian restaurant and the guy is playing the accordion in the background--that's Puglia)...but it was closed "for vacation" until February. So we ate at this place across the street and it was not good. There are very food things that are more disappointing than bad Italian my stomach is full of gross food and I'm a little sad about it...We decided to make amends by visiting Ferrara's (another spot frequented by the vacationing Hibbard family). Turns out, it's also closed.

After dinner we did get to see Matt's work, which was very cool...and then parted ways...
All in all, another very fun day.


Josh(ua) Treece said...

Is that the building from Ghostbusters II in the background of the picture of the old guy?!?

Heather McTaggart said...

You are never coming back are you? It sounds like you have become quite the New Yorker!!! SO FUN!

Jessica Torres said...

Heather's right...

will you two ever return?

Jim Ellis said...

go chipotle...

by far the best place to ever eat...

i grew up by the first one in denver on Evans street...

i live in iowa now, and they won't bring one near... the closest one is 2.5 hours away in omaha... boo!!!

Luke St.Hilaire said...

bahahaha i cant stop laughing at that matt j picture

and nice dictionary reference