Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sappy, Party of One

So, on Bethany's suggestion, I'm watching October Road. I'm about to begin the season 1 finale...

Part of this last episode was about an old man who just lost his wife of 56 years. He was so sad...I, of course, started to cry.

But it made me think. How can someone not want to look for their perfect match, knowing that they will be together for 56 years (well give or take)?

How can you not want someone who just gets you?
Who knows you so well it's almost as if they can read your mind.
Who makes you laugh more than anyone else.
Who likes you at your worst.
Who loves you at your best.
Whose passion sparks your passion.
For whom no apologies, no explanations are necessary.

Why settle for less than that?

I know this is reading a little too much in to a TV show (and an under-the-radar show, no less), but as tears stream down my face, as I listened to this old man talk about how much he loved his wife--for 56 years seeing the world side-by-side--this is what was on my mind.


Julie Hibbard said...

Do NOT settle for less than exactly that. It sounds incredible...

Gina Vistaunet said...

Listen to your mom.... there would be nothing better than having that.

Kate E said...

When you find it...it rules. RON RULES! (follow this comment with the singing of ROY RULES - thank you Samburg)Thank you for reminding me in your blog that I have everything oyu listed.

David Hughes said...

you love this title :)