Monday, April 30, 2007

Photograph Phun

My mom and I were looking through old photo albums tonight and I thought it would be fun to post a few of them...

Ryanne and Alanna (and me) at my traditional Fuddrucker's birthday 8th grade.

The 5 of us posing as the Spice Girls before Junior Homecoming...even then we were lame.

Dear Ryanne and Alanna,
Thank you for still being my friend. I know that we have each had our share of ridiculous arguments and periods of acquaintance-ship instead of deep friendship, but I am glad that we are making our way back around. Thank you for being my friends, even when I thought it was cool to wear a feather boa and pose like Ginger Spice...and for continuing to be my friend through moments where I was even less cool and we don't have photographic evidence.
I hope I can post current pictures of us, in another ten years, and say the same thing.
Your friend,


Josh(ua) Treece said...

Who's the chick above you in the second photo. It looks like Becky Pogue. But I know it can't be her.

Alanna Moine said...

Dear Alice:
I like you a lot.
Love, Alanna

P.S. Remember when we dressed up as the spice girls for halloween and my dad made huge blocks of wood and screwed them into the bottom of my shoes so they would be Baby Spice worthy platforms? And then I tried to DANCE in them. And then I fell (obviously) and my dress went up over my head and everyone saw my butt?

It's stories like these that make me angry when people say they don't have any embarrassing moments. Maybe I'm hogging them all.

David T. Ulrich said...

hahahaha. i dont know what i enjoyed more, this blog - or alanna's P.S. segment.

you guys havent changed very much... both in terms of looks and fun-ness.

jessie estupinan said...
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jessie estupinan said...

i absolutley love how you are the only one in a bright red dress, complete with super snazzy boa!

Ryanne said...

Dear Allison,
We probably shouldn't be friends after you posted that picture of me with braces, and wearing Kenny's (my stepdad) sweater.

However, I still love you...and I love that we are still friends!

Dear Alanna,
I like you a lot...and I think you are cool!

Ryanne said...

P.S. Dear Alanna, Cool pager in pciture one!

blythe said...

i love ryanne's hair in the dance pic. amazing.

E.Money said...

these pictures made my day!!! :)