Saturday, March 17, 2007

Re-living 1990

I was seven. Over summer break, my brother and I would spend most days at my Grandma's house. We'd sit and watch TV, or swim in the pool, or play board games. It was always a good time.

The one constant was breakfast. We'd watch Price is Right while my Grandma--Bum, as we call her--made French Toast and Chocolate Milk. Her French Toast is the best.

This morning, wide-awake at 7:01, I was feeling a little nostalgic. So I made myself some French Toast and Chocolate Milk...Chocolate Milk with a little too much Nestle Quik Powder so it tastes slightly powdery...mmmmm...

Maybe I'll go swimming this afternoon...

1 comment:

blythe said...

a couple things...
1) i would watch the Price is Right at my grandma's in the mornings too! also with Nestle Quik!
2) it's very amusing to me that you called your grandma "Bum"
There's no shame in a stay-at-hom grandma, Allison. Or was it that she retired early and was thenceforth the butt of family ridicule?
