Monday, November 13, 2006

Word Association

With Matt Jensen:
Manolo Blahniks: expensive
McDonald's: Rock and Roll
Paris Hilton: slut
Lamps: Light
The Beatles: Great
The Spice Girls: Sucky
Brilliance: Smart
The President of the United States: Peaches
Schwarzenegger as Governor: "I'll be back!"
Wildside: Lou Reed
Reading: Rainbow
Lipstick: Cherry Red
Sunglasses: At Night
Sickness: Nyquil
Mrs Doubtfire: Dude Looks Like a Lady
Crazy: Loco
Travel: Suitcase
Car: Engine
Locker: Jr. High
Yellow: Squash
Pink: Elephants
Star Wars: Star Tours
Michael Jackson: Kenneth Cole
The GAP: David Letterman's teeth

Now, word association with me:

Flag: day
Bologna: First name
Kevin: Federline
Dance: Dance Revolution
Mario: Brothers
Italy: Rome
Life Jacket:"When I am weak, you are my life boat"
Books: Relaxation
Alphabet: Soup
Meatball: Sub
Turtle: Soup
Red: Licorice
Green: Eggs and Ham
Windy: Chicago
Make-up: Song Day
Soap: on a rope
View: From the Top
Font: Madness
Secret: Anti-Persperant
Dress: For Success
Fork: Knife
King: For a Day
Chair: Man of the Board

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