Friday, November 24, 2006

Top Ten People in the Church Office

Outside of Student Ministries...
And, of course, this is in no particular order...

10. Joan England (Reception)
9. Jason Pogue (Ministry)
8. Courtney Gause (Missions)
7. Bill Crane (Technology)
6. Lance Hamilton (Mail Room)
5. Jim Dobbs (Graphics)
4. Bob Sahlin (Facilities)
3. Johnny Baker (Celebrate Recovery)
2. Steve Rutenbar (Missions)
1. Brad Hartke (Accounting)

Wow! That was so much harder to narrow down than I had thought it would be...


ⓖⓦⓔⓝⓘⓔ♥ ~ loving every second of SCHOOL... said...

hi do not know me because i was just skipping blogs and by chance i happen to come across yours..haha visit mine too okies?
i mean ok?

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

freak yes I made the cut!!!!

Unknown said...

This is a STRONG post. Wow. JG

Cathi said...

If you ever do a post about the Top 10 people who have left the church office, I better be on it.