Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving #5

Sorry about the delay, I know you were on edge waiting.

Thanksgiving #5--My mom and her family (and Matt)
Food: Homemade/Fresh out of the package
Best Food Item: Croissants
Company: Great. My aunt and her family came down from San was really fun.
Length: We were there for about 6 hours; we played a game in the that passed the time a bit. I don't think it was too long (though Matt Jensen may have a different opinion on that!)
Conversation: My 3-year old cousin Thea told us all about her friend Eric. Hilarious. My brother and his friend, Cameron, asked her a few follow-up questions that had funny answers.
Surprise Twist: My aunt Sarah called from Hawaii to tell us she is pregnant!

1 comment:

Gina Vistaunet said...

What?? Was that the only aunt that showed up on Thanksgiving? Huh, my feelings are hurt. And I thought for sure there would be some comment about whales and what they are and how competitive Matt Jensen really is. Relax Matt, it's just a game.