Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Apparently I look like no one

I have tried all day to find my Celebrity Look-Alikes on http://www.myheritage.com.

Elizabeth was telling me about it, she said that her results showed Katherine Heigl from Grey's Anatomy, and Halle Berry...could 2 people look less alike?

Anyway, I've tried 3 pictures of myself...to no avail. Even the one picture of me and Matt...Matt's face showed about 10 results...mine: none.

I think I must look so unique that no one would ever confuse me for someone else.


Unknown said...

a) it was probably confused by your hat

b) I looked liked Hayden Christensen.



NoBadDaysCourtney said...

apparently Matt Jensen looks like John Ritter! LOL!!!

loisa said...

i did this a couple of weeks ago. i, evidently, look like a bunch of asian actresses i've never heard of plus ashton kutcher. so, i'm thinking looking like no one isn't such a bad thing.