Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Today is my birthday

Remember when you were little and your birthday was the best day ever? You couldn't go to sleep the night before knowing that the next day would be so great...You brought cupcakes to school and everyone would sing Happy Birthday and give you gifts...and you always got 4 or 5 presents from your parents...

When did things change? When did all of that fade and your birthday became another day that you had to get up and go to work? A day that you probably don't have a birthday party because someone in your family has other plans, or you have a prior engagement?

I'm not saying today wasn't great--it was...I got calls and texts all day long saying H.B and a bunch of Myspace comments...and my C-Group gave me an amazing gift with a cake and card...it was great.

It just didn't feel like my birthday. It felt like another day with cake and presents. A great day, but not 6-year-old-waited-all-year-for-this-day-can-barely-contain-the-overwhelming-excitement-want-to-talk-about-it-all-day-long-amazing.

Does this make any sense?

The bonus of being a grown-up: 4 birthday parties (friends, C-Group, mom's fam, dad's fam)...totally sweet.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday! Did you get my text! JG

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

yup...welcome to adult birthdays. For my 25th my brother wrote up a mock gift certificate to rent a car...because that's the only excitement 25 can bring apparently!
Hey...you did get to sit next to me and share sarcastic comments for 2 hours....it was a highlight out of my day!