Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Moving Right Along...

I spent the week between Christmas and New Year's packing up an apartment.
And then spent the day before New Year's Eve moving in to a new condo.

That evening, I set up my entire bedroom and the majority of our living room.
Not too shabby for 13 hours.

But, I'm pretty sure that after that...time froze.
That must be the reason so few other changes have been made to this place, right?

I can attest to the fact that we have been working--pretty consistently, in fact--to unpack boxes and put things in their places, but there is so much more to be done. It's almost as if we're moving things around instead of putting them away. (If you had watched me try to hang pictures tonight, you would know that this is precisely what is happening sometimes.)

We got our refrigerator on Monday (a baby fridge from when I lived on the Flower streets.) Today the grocery shopping was 35% about what I want to eat this week and 65% about what will fit it the shelves and door of the refrigerator. (I'll take a few photos tomorrow so you can see what we're working with!)

Tonight, I came home from work and felt a little overwhelmed: how can I lay around when there is work to be done?

However, two hours ago, as I sat on my couch with my roommate, friend, and two of the three dudes from upstairs (I live next door to some of my very favorite friends--more on that later), none of the clutter mattered. This already felt like home.

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