Friday, June 19, 2009

30 Things To Do Before I'm 30...An Update

On my 26th birthday, I made a list of 30 Things I'd Like To Do Before I'm 30.
Here's a progress report.

1. Read over 100 books {13 so far}
2. Get a giant tattoo
3. Perform somewhere (in a club, bar, coffee shop)
4. Go on another vacation with Katie Edwards
5. Fit in my old jeans
6. Read through the entire Bible
7. Buy a Louis Vuitton overnight bag
8. Watch at least 75 of the 100 Best Films of All Time {11 so far}
9. Throw two giant costume parties
10. Visit:
a. Japan
b. China
c. Australia
d. Ireland
e. Sweden
f. Ukraine
g. Costa Rica
h. Italy
11. Score over 160 in a game of bowling
12. Take a ballet class {done!}
13. Go golfing with my Papa
14. Fluently speak a second language
15. Make a mosaic table for my house
16. Run a 5k
17. Invite at least 20 people to church {3 so far}
18. Write a book (even if it's never published)
19. Own some sweet high-heeled boots
20. Bring at least 10 students to Kitale, Kenya
21. Learn to read music
22. Dress up and have dinner at a fancy restaurant
23. Watch 9 new series of TV on DVD {5 so far}
24. Skydive
25. Live in New York
26. Kiss someone (a really good kiss)
27. Make a delicious--from scratch--dinner for friends
28. Spend an evening in a room lit by dozens of candles
29. Buy a dress from Bottega Veneta
30. Learn to play an instrument


blythe said...

i love this list.

try dinner at Habana for #28....and, depending on your idea of "fancy," it might count as #22 too. :]

blythe said...

(habana is at the lab in costa mesa, just in case)

Lisa Marie said...

Which 13 books? I'd love to know what you're reading!!