Last night, Jaime recommended
The site takes all of your tweets and graphs them in such ways that, even as a single-semester-Math-major, I could never truly comprehend need for...but the colors are pretty and the concept is, check it out.
One of my favorite parts is the tweet cloud: an alphabetical list of frequently-used words from your 'tweets' could I not love this feature?
Oh and the bottom says: "Your top five words: love, day, dinner, really, home."
That sounds like me.
It also says, "Tell your tweeps", which is enough to make me re-think future visits to this site.
Then there's a link to Wordle! Now, the inventor of Wordle could be my boyfriend--not that I've ever seen him, or even know he's male--I just like the idea of a dude that loves words and fonts so much that he creates a program that takes text from a web page and mixes it up in different fonts and different colors for no reason other than "the beauty of words"...
All that to say, here's the Wordle from my Twitter. (There's a sentence you could not have said in 1995.)
This week's winner for BEST post title! So creative!!
Since seeing this on your blog and being totally fascinated by it, I've probably put five or six people's names into it. How stalker is that?!
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