Monday, March 30, 2009

Email Blessings

After a long (but fun) week at PDYM, I got this email from Lane...who I know from years ago in HSM and is now a married youth worker in Texas.

Her brother, Ben, was in my very first small group, when he was in 6th grade and I was a Junior in High School...

What a great surprise of an email...

hey!! just wanted to say how lovely it was to see you again. you are
wonderful and the conference was a huge blessing. thank you for your hard

AND. i told ben you said hello.
and he told me that he had prayed with you to become a Christ follower; because of you and your small group. i didn't know that. THANK YOU! ben is, today, an amazing godly man who loves and leads a group of middle school guys at our church in Texas. he is one of my favorite people and he loves God a lot. thank you for your part in that!

hope you get to rest and enjoy that awesome CA weather, that i miss so
dearly. and hope to see you next year @ PDYM!!
be blessed.

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