Thursday, January 08, 2009

Say Hi To Judge Ito

Anyone get the title? Hopefully someone does (I'm banking on Ange, Luke or David Hughes...but I know my brother would get it)

Okay...I emailed the OC Jury Duty place (don't I sound like I know what I'm talking about?) and they rescheduled my service for April...

I'm actually really excited about potentially serving...and I'm going to wear a fancy dress and carry a coconut in my purse (anyone, anyone?)

Just thought you'd like to know...

Oh, and Papa, thanks for the offer to write to them on my are a really good Papa!


Julie Hibbard said...

Ok...I get the title. From a movie with Pauly Shore (EPIC!)
But the coconut? Don't get it.
I've been called 5 or 6 times now. Have never had to go...

Gina Vistaunet said...

Judge Ito was the judge in the first OJ trial. The coconut part was in Sex and the City when Carrie went to Jury Duty. You know, I, being a profressional juror, was on a drunk driving trial for 5 days. Totally sucked. Get off. I will write you a letter too.

P.E.A.S.E. Plan 2.0 said...

I knew who Judge Ito was, but figured there was something more. So I googled "Say Hi to Judge Ito" and your blog came up as the first link ... which wasn't helpful at all.

Ryanne said...

I love that episode of SATC. Hollywood Kiss...Aidan...Love it!

Just want you to know that my jury duty consisted of me calling in after 7pm two Mondays in a row. The second time the nice lady on the recording said "Your civil duty as a jury has been completed." I don't know what everyone freaks out was so easy!

Luke St.Hilaire said...

yep, no idea what your talking about

*friend fail*