It turned red and swelled much so that I was winking at the Taco Bell drive-thru employee and had to say, "I'm sorry. I have something in my eye. I'm not trying to be all creepy winking at you."
So, for the next few hours at work I tried to calm it water, fresh air, no more rubbing...but still, at 10, when Katie came in, she said, what's happening? Why is your eye all red?
I put some drops in and it stopped burning...and watering...and the swelling went down.
But then I came home to find that the pupil had dilated to twice its usual size.

Can you tell? My left eye. Maybe you can't tell, which really just makes this whole thing funnier.
oh man i can tell!!
eye can tell...
but, dang do your eyelashes look good!
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