Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Love Washing Machines

Jaime had an entire conversation at lunch today about his love for washing machines...

"I fell in love with them when I worked at Circuit City out of college."

"Oh, the Kenmore H series is my favorite."

Then he proceeded to talk about front-load vs. top-load and the difference in detergents and what is best for your washing machine.

It's moments like these that make me love Jaime.


Julie Hibbard said...

A good looking guy who knows and loves washing machines? Sounds like the perfect man to me!
Reminds me of the movie"Shirley Valentine". It's about a woman who decides to leave her husband and once she's gone we see the empty house--and the signs that she has left for him. "Dishwasher" is taped to the front of the dishwasher and 'washer' on the front of the washing machine.
Jaime will never have this happen to him.
Dang...and he loves baseball too!

Gina Vistaunet said...

I was going to write: I love a man that loves washing machines, but your mom beat me to it. Funny how that would be a turn on for us.....