Monday, April 28, 2008

Remember When I Owned a Hairbrush?

Today, Hillary skipped school and we went to the beach...(obviously, I left my hairbrush at home.) After a lot of convincing, she went in to the water with me. Then, 3 minutes later, she freaked out because there was a seal about 40 feet from us (Isn't that crazy?!) We named her Heidi (get it?) and stood on the beach watching for her to pop her head out...the people on the beach said she swam right past us (which just meant that Hillary was done hanging in the water...bummer.)

We sat on the beach, I read a book and Hillary read some magazines. Then, she shared that she would like to have a metal detector...and that she would like it to say "sicky, gnar, gnar" when it finds something. (Believe me, I judge her for this, too).

We had some lunch at Albertacos...and then made another stop at Starbucks...
I'm only a tiny bit burned...

What a great Monday.


Jordan said...

So that's where Hillary was today...I was wondering why she wasn't at school!

Julie Hibbard said...

Heidi and SEAL are perfect together. I get it...tho at first I was thinking you were going to name it
Hey Hermano!

Erin Brady said...

I wanted to go so bad :( Can we go uh, Thursday! Thursday! Let's ditch school/work. Heidi and Seal, I got a good laugh. You are just too much sometimes.

Jessica Torres said...

Oh, I would have loved going to the beach yesterday!

sunshine said...

thats so good! i want to have a date with you!! how about 2 weeks from now?? or i can come have lunch with you on a wensday or friday. take your pick girl!