Thursday, January 03, 2008

Memo Pad

Sometimes when I'm out running errands or waiting to meet someone, I think of a potential blog post topic and write myself a reminder on the "memo pad" in my phone.

Typically, I remember what it was and only re-read the past memo when I open the pad to write another.

Last week, while waiting for Sweeney Todd to start, I wrote a memo that I didn't see until two days ago:

"The movie theater smells like my 7th Grade History class at Serrano"


Julie Hibbard said...

You are funny! Smells are the BEST at bringing up memories!! THAT would be a good post too!

Heather McTaggart said...

My memo of the week:

Ask Allison what kind of camera she has? Then when you see her cute face across the room you will remember what you needed to ask her!

Saw you today but I was standing in the back so I couldn't come talk to you...but I smiled seeing you there!

Luke St.Hilaire said...

i always just write a text and save it to my drafts. sometimes i send it to my "test audience" and see how it turns out

oh yea, your test audience "c"