Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Both Sides of a Gun Barrel

In a brief read of The Best American Non-Required Reading 2007, I came across a story about a boy who grew up in a rough neighborhood and (I will leave out the main plot details in case you want to read it) came to be a great man by following the lessons of his father instead of his friends. "Both sides of a Gun Barrel" by D. Winston Brown.

In the last few paragraphs, I stumbled upon this sentence:
"[...]what a society fractures in its sons is something only a father can heal."

I read it over and over (probably 25 times) and thought: this is a huge part of why I am such a strong believer in youth ministry, in the church, in Christ.

Because in all reality... What a society fractures in its sons and daughters is something only the Father can heal.


Cathi said...

i love this

Jessica Torres said...

I SO agree!

Love it!

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

wow, brilliant!