Saturday, December 15, 2007


I spent the evening with a 2-year-old boy named Luke.

Luke was a complete gentleman; we watched a movie, had dinner and even played a little baseball.

But my favorite part of the night was our time spent with Play-Doh. I was making a few shapes (snakes, snowmen--you know, the really difficult stuff). At one point, he made a pancake. So I picked it up and, in a series of chomping noises, followed by a YUM!, I pretended to eat the pancake.

His response? "Sometimes I eat Play-Doh"...and put a tic-tac-sized piece in his mouth...

I laughed, he laughed...he spit it out and added it to the "mountain of papers" he was constructing.

He didn't eat anymore after that, but I did catch him licking the paper mountain a few times.

Fellas, take notes...Luke knows how to treat a lady to a memorable Friday night.


Julie Hibbard said...

How cute! Snakes and snowmen are my favorite things to make too! Luke is lucky to have shared an evening with you.

The Maguires said...

I still kinda like to taste play-dough, every once in awhile :)

TSHarrison said...

I don't know if I can pull off the innocence of eating play-doh. But if you say so, I'll add that to the agenda of my next date.
Should I spit it out and continue to play with it or should I just man up and down that chunk of doh?