Monday, October 01, 2007

What's In A Name?

I am not a name-user. I don't say "Hello, Jack" or "Susan, it's so nice to see you"...but I do put on a face of recognition.

I don't mind if you don't remember my name, but at least fain a sense of recollection.

I bought a purse today from a guy that I have met probably (no joke) 60 times. He acted as though he'd never even seen my face.

Slightly rude...


Linda Vujnov said...

That bugs the crap out of me...honestly! I freak out if I say "Hi, I'm so-and-such" and they say, "yea, I met you last week." I feel like an idiot and then apologize profusely.

Julie Hibbard said...

Maybe WE should have said hi to him. Maybe he blogged about how WE didn't recognize him!!