Thursday, October 11, 2007

Walking in L.A.--M.E.

There were a lot of outside voices being used in the office this afternoon.

I'll admit, I contribute to this volume level on occasion.

Today was not one of those days.

So, I was wearing my headphones...and walking around the office.

I had made a playlist that I really enjoy, so I didn't see anything wrong with listening to it at my desk and also while I travel to and from the copier...

I was asked, more than once, if I was listening to a "drive-time devotional" and told that if I was not, I should not be wearing my headphones away from my desk.

Headphones at work: desk-only or wander-friendly?


NoBadDaysCourtney said...

we are not allowd to wear headphones at all in my new office, and let me tell you...I miss it. I am SO much more productive when I can tune people out!

Jason Sansbury said...

Wander friendly. Sometimes you need to tune out the stuff around you so you can focus on what you are doing and music is a good way to do that.

Matt Jensen said...

If it were up to me I would have my headphones surgically embedded into my hearing canal.


but you should really take them off when you go to the copier.


just kidding


but really you should


but really i'm just kidding.

The Maguires said...

Desk Only. Since you have a job that requires lots of conversation and people interaction, no good to walk around unapproachable. Plus you might miss out on some good copy talk.

Heather Leith said...

wander friendly.

maybe just one earphone in when you walk around, so that people know they can talk to you.

but seriously, come on saddleback, its a free country!

did anyone else use that as a comeback in the good old days?

i did, and thought i was totally cool.

Allison Murray said...

it was more that you just looked like a dork.

did i say dork? yep i'm a 4th grade girl with pig tails. awesome.