Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Other Movies I Aim to See

Have you seen these?
If so, are they worth my time?

We Own the Night

3:10 to Yuma

Into the Wild

Darjeeling Limited

Assassination of Jesse James

Lars and the Real Girl

I also want to see Rendition, but that doesn't come out until Friday.


Allison Murray said...

we own the night:
not so great....but pretty good. Very dramatic...not a ton of action.
SUPER awkward sex scene in the first 30 seconds....haha prepare yourself....it totally catches you off guard.

Cathi said...

I saw Darjeeling- It was beautiful. I think you would like it. Also, I CANNOT wait to see Lars and the Real Girl. Another you might add to your list (though I don't know when it is released) is Juno. It looks brilliant, and anything with Jason Bateman is worth seeing.

Anonymous said...

3:10 to YUMA is great.

Julie Hibbard said...

Did not see any of these. Saw "Feast of Love" tho.
Do not go see it. I have never seen so many naked people in a movie before.
No clothes on anyone--sickening!
I almost left. Yeah, well, I had to see if they lived happily ever after. And you know what? They didn't. Nope. They should have left their damn clothes on! :)

TSHarrison said...

"3:10 to Yuma" was great. Of course I've missed the western, so it was good just to see that. I suppose that's why I'll watch "The Assassination of Jesse James..." Then you have preformances by Russell Crowe, Christian Bale and Ben Foster that are bank. But to be honest I do know some people who thought it was slow, so fair warning. Great themes of honor, character and courage. The original starred Glen Ford, so it was cool to discover that film too.

And while I haven't seen "Into the Wild" yet, I will soon. Sean Penn and Emile Hirsch is a good team and the rest of the cast is impressive too. I read the book...geez about ten years ago, my freshman year in college. All of Jon Krakauer's books are awesome, but this one resonated with me. I think some of it was the college freshman in me, also that was the year Rich Mullins died which was dramatic for me, the fact that some of the story took place in South Dakota where I grew up and there was something in Chris McCandless that reminded me of my older brother and who I wanted to be. If the movie catches any of the book it should be good.

Lisa Marie said...

3:10 to Yuma and Into the Wild are both awesome. I've seen Yuma twice. Ben Foster (from Flash Forward on the Disney Channel) is in it and he's stunning.

Into the Wild...amazing book, haunting story. Great film, great soundtrack by Eddie Vedder. SEE IT!!

John Snyder said...

We Own the Night. one word - worst movie of the year. that was more than one word