Thursday, September 13, 2007

909 Day

Tuesday was 909 Day at work. The instructions were to "dress like they do in the 909".

Bethany is from Riverside, so this was very exciting for her. She bought prizes for the best costumes...

She and I were the only two to dress up...we met at Starbucks so we wouldn't look stupid heading in alone...we still looked stupid.

When we got to work and realized that it was just us, we quickly took some pictures and changed in to 949 clothes.

Here are a few of the pictures. (Note: I won the female award, by one won the male award, instead we allowed Matt Hall to try it on for photos)


Insured Asset Solutions said...

I've never seen so many white people in a picture from the "909." Where's everyone else from there?

Allison Murray said...

B looks so hard core.
sorry i suck...i totally forgot.
next time.

next time can we have a 912 day?? as in GEORGIA day????

David Hughes said...

ahaha jaime looks so solid. and jean skirts are pretty freaking solid too.

...good call on 909 day.

Julie Hibbard said...

You guys are funny. The clock is hilarious...

TheHuntsAreRad said...

this would have been awesome, I lived in the 909 til 2nd grade, so I would have been down.

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

DANG, I would have been so good....I play dress like your from the 949 everyday in the 915 and I SHOULD get an award. Although someone forgot to tell me that Friday was "If your fat you should wear the brightest colors and prints possible in a size to small" day in Corona.
DANG I hate when I dress all classy and miss out.