Friday, August 17, 2007

Dear Ben Affleck,

Happy Belated Birthday.

I'm sorry that I was away at camp and unable to post a timely birthday wish.

Had we been married, as I had long hoped we would, this would not have been the would have been on this trip with me and I would have sang a lovely birthday to your face...

I do still love you...35 or not...married, with child, whatever...

Your once-betrothed,


Gina Vistaunet said...

Dear Ben Affleck,
Please date my niece. She is way prettier than Jennifer.

Alyssa said...

i like that post

Heather McTaggart said...

DITTO GINA...only I want to add she is probably funner than Jennifer! YES, I know funner is NOT a word but it's funner to say!