Thursday, May 03, 2007

From the Mouth of My Mom

Here are a few phrases that my mom is famous for:

Noise Pollution!

Bedtime for Bonzo!

Ready Freddie?

Kutserreta Jones...

Go get your jammies on.

Alli, time to get up.

What did your mom always say?


PETE Di LALLO said...

My mother is semi-weird ...
for the past 40 years she's always said goodbye:
"get some rest and lock your doors"...
not weird? she said that to me last week when I left her nursing home!!!

Gina Vistaunet said...

The saying noise pollution is used at my house almost everyday!
Are you kidding? Is another one.
Really? My favorite.
You're an ass! At least 10 times a day.

Gina Vistaunet said...

I'm sorry, in the previous comment, I am the mom.
My mom would say, offer it up!
Example: If you hit your foot on the table and cussed, she would say "offer it up".

PETE Di LALLO said...

Gina, if you recall, we had noise pollution for only a short time at our house...I quickly learned to put the seat down so girls wouldn't have to be
rescued all the time...I peed sitting down for years after you all left the nest...
and 'your' (did I spell it right?) Mom still says "offer it up"...
very annoying when you're (?) bleeding to death...

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

1.She called my friend Tootsie.

2.She used to sing to wake us up "way up in the sky the little bird flys way down in it's nest the little bird rests"

3. Ohh Honestly (insert name here)

4. Ok uhhuh good bye (that is how she ends EVERY conversation on the phone)

5. You need to 86 that (That means throw it away)

6. 6 of 1 Half a dozen of the other

7. FRONT AND CENTER (that meant what ever you were doing...drop it and get to the top of the stairs as quickly as possible. This phrase was used only when we were in trouble and it usually ended with your first and middle name)

matt said...

My mom didn't have phrases, she had songs. A song to help us wake up in the morning, a song to get us to clean up. She still does it too, to my neices, and loves to make up songs too. Oh, and with the wake up song, she would also lean her legs up against the side of the bed and shake it. That made me so mad when she did it!

Julie Hibbard said...

You forgot "time to take some dimey"
I LOVE to say, "REALLY??" as in "Really Michael Vick?"
and I say, "For the love of Jesus"
I still tell people that I am home in my jammies.
My mother...I don't remember much besides "eat the rest of your pop tarts--there are starving children in China" (hence the weight problem we all have too!)
I love being the subject of your blogs.

PETE Di LALLO said...

How about a Dad's point of view?
Didn't I have an unheeded phrase...
"You're going out with THAT guy?"

E.Money said...

"you need to lighten up"

"i am NOT your maid!!!"

"(singing) RISE!! AND SHINE!! AND GIVE GOD THE GLORY, GLORY!!" (and hence my least favorite way to wake up)

ali said...

"i'm not your maid" is a popular one.

that, and "make sure you clean your room before the cleaning people come!"

and "don't forget to take your vitamins!"

Heather Leith said...

Dad: "Who do you think is going to clean up this mess? You're fairy godmother?"

What are you supposed to say in reply to this? I usually just say no. (That's right, he still says that and will continue.)