Saturday, April 14, 2007

Truths I Learned in Ensenada

1. Even high school boys will sing along to Kelly Clarkson in the car.

2. I have a time-expectancy on my bowel movements. If I miss it, the chance will not return for several hours.

3. Everything is funny to three girls and Shaun at midnight. Things that are especially funny at midnight: Rick, Shark Attacks, Pirates, and Stubs.

4. I really enjoy Mexico when tents are not in the equation.

5. You never feel as dirty as you do right before a shower.

6. British accents really do make ordinary conversation more fun.

7. Everyone knows the words to "The Little Mermaid" soundtrack.

8. Quiet students can love loud car rides too.

9. Nine-year-old boys are constantly oblivious to their surroundings.

10. Some high school students actually are smarter and cooler than some grown-ups.


NoBadDaysCourtney said...

Day two and me in Mexico don't get along so well. Maybe one day instead of watching the dude who does sign language at church we could get that sweet yo-yoer to come and stand on the side of the stage and entertain us.

Things you forgot to mention in your blog:
1. Camcorder
2. Fancy
3. I'm Shy
4. Karen McCann's AMAZING Leader lounge.
5. PB & J's in Shauns RV
6. Taking a pictue of Shaun in the shower with a cold drink.

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

Franz: I hate Fall Out Boy.
Kevin: Tell Franz to put his Hanz over his ears then.

Brent said...

1. Everyone loves Kelly Clarkson and will sing along in the car. How can you not love her?

2. Thanks for sharing.

6. British accents rock.

10. I concur.

3C. Courtney is not shy!

6C. Shaun isn't either obviously.

Julie Hibbard said...

Dang! I want to go to Mexico next time! Sounds like it was American--I mean Mexican Idol!