Friday, April 27, 2007

Kurt's More Fun Than Matt Hall

For the last month, or so, I've been trying my hardest to convince one of our interns to do a "booty dance". I've succeeded in my attempts with two of the other interns, but Brian has stayed strong.

I tried again today. He said no, so I asked Matt Hall to show Brian how easy and non-embarrassing it was. Matt Hall also said no.

Right as Kurt was walking over to the conversation circle, Matt Hall said, there's no way you could get Kurt to do it either.

Kurt said "Do what?" I said "A Booty Dance"...

Kurt took one step in to the center of the circle and did a full-out booty dance.

Thus, the title of this blog.

Thank you, Kurt, for being so fun!


Julie Hibbard said...

What? No pictures??

Brent said...

You should name your blog, "A Booty Dance."

annie said...

Such a fun day, i'm glad our office isn't boring! Also... i really want to see that video up of me and E ribbon dancing...

Katie E said...

I am shocked at this post. Really really shocked. I am very sad that I missed this event.