Thursday, March 29, 2007


My day was great...

Budget Meeting with Matt Hall

Lunch with Josh Peters

Target with Jitu. We bought 40 tubs of Cool Whip...he was really excited about it

Grocery Store with Allison (I know shockingly little about vegetables and meat)

We cooked dinner...Ryanne shredded cheese and seasoned asparagus, Lulla made macaroni and cheese from scratch, SO YUMMY!, and I made meatloaf...and Duncan Hines provided the delicious chocolate/caramel brownie dessert

Everyone had some responsibilities:
Allison, cook!

Ryanne, make sure the smoke alarm does not go off!

Allison, take pictures! (My camera isn't was really smoky!)

Boys, play Wii!

LOST! (Honestly, what an amazing episode!)


Julie Hibbard said...

Yum yum yum...
home made mac and cheese....
And Allison is soooo cute!!
Must be the name!

Brent said...

That's a lot of smoke. What happened? Need to cut back on the wacky weed?

Josh_ewe_a said...

Yep, sure was good! But Al, you didn't show my responsibility of dish washing. Oh well, not that exciting. Thank you for the delish loaf of meat.