Sunday, February 04, 2007

I Beat the Game

Growing up, I always heard my brother say he'd "beaten the game"..."the game" being whatever the newest video game of the day was...

I never beat video games. I could find the secret passage on the second part of level one of Mario Brothers...but I could never kill King Koopa to even get on to level 3. (The secret passage led you to level 2, right?)

Anyway, I've done it. Finally. I have beaten my latest video game--phone Sudoku.

On every level so far, it has said "Current Points: ###" and then "Level Upgrade at: ###" it just shows my point total.

I am a Black Sudoka...and you can't get better than that.
I finally have beat a game...I finally have a black belt...though it is in Math.


Julie Hibbard said...

I could not be prouder!!
Wish there was a trophy for you!

Alanna Moine said...

I beat guitar hero II on easy and medium.

Does that count?