Thursday, November 30, 2006

Top Ten Things About My Future Kids

Everyone always sees other people's children and says "My kids will never be like that!" If I ever have kids, these are things that will be true of them:

10. They will smile and say hello when they are greeted by someone.
9. They will never say "yuck" about food that someone else is eating.
8. They will sit quietly and behave in restaurants and airplanes.
7. They will not cry and get their way.
6. They will be go-with-the-flow; easily entertained.
5. They will play a musical instrument.
4. They will always wash their hands after using the restroom.
3. They will be taught to believe in Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, and The Easter Bunny.
2. They will love to travel and have adventures.
1. They will always have clean clothes, hands and faces. (No snotty noses, dirty cheeks and stained clothes.)

Now, I understand that some of this operates in fantasy...and some in a "children should be seen and not heard" mindset. I have a feeling that my kids will be very few of these things...


Josh Peters said...

oh, please not Santan!

Mike Lovato said...

Sweet...that's so cool that you're going to have robot children.

Leigh Sarti said...

I think Benjamin Linus was raised under these 10 premises. See how he turned out!

Johnny Baker said...

Good luck with that Allison.

Eric said...

you are going to be the funnest most ever.

Julie Hibbard said...

My children are exactly like this!

Julie Hibbard said...
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