Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dumb and Final

Today, Elizabeth and I went to Smart and Final to pick up a few things for this weekend's services.

The shopping list: 4 giant cans of Chocolate Pudding, Pie Tins.

So I went up to the accounting offices to check out the Smart and Final card. I gave them the account number that the purchase would be taken out of...and then headed to Smart and Final.

We found the pudding and pie tins and then got in to the checkout line...Here's where the "DUMB" kicks in.

Christopher (no names were changed) finishes ringing up our 5 items and hits TOTAL. Unsure as to whether the Smart and Final card is a membership card or a "place it on my tab" account card, I look at Christopher--gesture toward him with the card--and say, "I don't know what to do."

Christopher grabs (not takes--grabs) the card from me and scans it quickly. I think to myself "Great. Done."

We grab our bags and begin to walk away.

Christopher, already slightly frustrated, says "Credit or Debit?" I didn't know...I thought the Smart and Final card took care of that. So I say, "Oh,"

I slide my credit card through and as he hands me my receipt I say, "Sorry I acted like I've never been to a store before." and we left.

Elizabeth mocked my stupidity all the way back to the church. ("What is this rectangular piece of plastic? Should I give it to you, or slide it myself?" "Wow! There are so many things in I give you money for them?")

I get it...Maybe next weekend's game will be called "How to check-out at Smart and Final"...I, of course, will not be able to write this game myself.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I thought I posted a comment last night, but evidently I didn't.

In your defense, I think that Smart and Final does have a "put it on my tab" type card. Why else would you have to give your account number to accounting? Just because they like numbers?