Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Beautifully written

I'm reading a great book right now. In fact, I stopped mid-chapter and purchased two copies for my friends Josh Peters and Cathi Workman (Surprise, guys! You're gifts will be shipped in 3-5 working days).

Here's the sentence that spurred the Amazon.com visit:

"It was one of those chime-laughs that knifed cleanly through the morning, through the tired muttering of all the other kids, hinting this person had never known embarrassment or awkwardness, that even her grief would be gorgeous in the off-chance she ever experienced it."

I wish I could write like that. Someday. Maybe.


Cathi said...

You are great. Let's be real friends- not just blog friends.

loisa said...

but don't we get to know what book it is?

b.hurst said...

yeah seriously, what book? i want to judge it by its cover.

Josh(ua) Treece said...

So, book title much?

E.Money said...

thanks for tutoring me on this new adventure of organization and check lists. as well as leaving me comments so I know that SOMEONE reads my blog ;)

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

I want to jump on the band wagon too. What's the book title.

Unknown said...

a) I wish I was a good enough friend to get a copy of the book

b) I wish I knew what the title of the book was

My guess? Devil Wears Prada.