Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Allison Does Not Work Well With Others

Over the last few days I have had a few truly honest conversations with friends: they have been honest about me, to me.

Tonight a friend told me that I don't work well with others. At first I was caught off guard, but he went on to explain that since I want everything to be done well, I do everything myself. And in that way, I don't work well with others. Totally fair, and honest.

And true. I am aware that my standards are too high at times. But I don't want to cross off "team player" because of my high standards. Most of the time I define "team player" as one who is willing to help whomever, whenever. And I think, in that respect, I could be considered a team player...I want to help get things done...and I want them to be done well.

But, when is excellence a ridiculous thing to expect? Is there anything that is too small to necessitate excellence?

If we are serving the Lord, why would we not put our all in to it?

At what point does pouring our everything in to ministry turn in to being too dry to truly serve the Lord?

I don't want to be difficult to work with. I don't.
But I don't want to sacrifice our excellence level either.

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