Saturday, August 19, 2006

My favorite restaurants in the World #2

Hello. It's time for another rousing edition of "My Favorite Restaurants in the World".
For those of you that missed #1, I set up the concept and then discussed Dallas BBQ.
You can read about it here.

So, for week #2, I would like to take you all to my favorite city in the world (an entirely separate list): LONDON!

My favorite restaurant in all of London is WAGAMAMA.
Now, here's an important thing to remember: sometimes the food that is the best is not the food from that country.
Wagamama is Japanese food that really is so delicious I could fly there right now.
The last time we were in London, we ate at Wagamama's at least 8 times in 15 days.

I know that it's lame to say "everything is good", but seriously, we have never been let down.

My favorite (and by favorite I mean the only item I would order because I didn't want to risk being let down by any other meal...left to wish that I would have stuck to the familiar just to have something truly delicious) is the Chicken Ramen.
Chicken Ramen is similar to a fancy bowl of Top Ramen, served with sliced grilled chicken, spinach and some menma (which is a nice name for bamboo--it tastes like unflavored mushrooms).

Matt's favorite is...well, let's be honest, Matt eats anything. Matt is VERY adventurous with his food (more on that later) he orders something new everytime. On our last night in London, we took some of our friends out to Wagamama...Matt ordered TWO meals because he couldn't decide which to order as his last Wagamama for a while.

Oh yes, also order some GYOZA (Chicken Dumplings)...And some Edamame.

And, I've been told that the Asahi Beer is quite good with the rice dishes...but I typically stick to the Diet Coke (1) because I'm on Saddleback Staff and (2) because it's served in a glass bottle...and coke in a glass bottle is WAY better.

Okay. Here is the website if you'd like to visit and wish you lived in a country that was blessed with fine cuisine.
Also, I own the cookbook if you feel adventurous and would like to make me dinner one night.

Mish, there is a whole load of vegetarian meals there you don't have to miss out.

Until next week...I will, once again, leave you with a picture of me enjoying this delicious food.
And FYI, I'm having Top Ramen for dinner as a sad substitute for Chicken Ramen.


Alanna Moine said...

ahhhh....I love Wagamama!!!!

Josh(ua) Treece said...

Marko blogged about this very same restaurant today! He just ate there.

E.Money said...

this entry made my mouth water!! And for some reason it was the mention of Ramen. I'm so classy.