Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Parents Are Pretty Great

I spent pieces of the last few days putting together some packages to send to my friends in London...I'm hoping to ship them on Monday (I'm still looking for a few things.)

Today, I was thinking about when I lived in London and my parents would send me packages every-other-week. It was such a great day, to come home from school and have a giant envelope of gifts.

Magazines and DVDs. Every two weeks. Not just movies...TV on DVD.

This was pre-TV on DVD as we know it parents bought a Tivo to DVD-burner and my dad would record the shows that I loved to send me: Friends, ER, Smallville, 7th Heaven...

The girls that I hung around with would come down to my room, we'd rearrange furniture and watch back-to-back shows.

I have such fun memories from those nights...well, from London over-all.
I love that place...

1 comment:

Jessica Torres said...

Dude...your parents practically invented TV on DVD...that's pretty great!