Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Operation Make July As Great As June

Well, June was great. Really great. And I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that July is equally {if not more} awesome. 

The other night {between a few episodes of Friday Night Lights--we have TWO first-timers over here and the excitement is amazing. Cheering and crying just the way God intended it} we made a list of a few things we are hoping to do in the next month...and document well, of course.

--> go to Afters Ice Cream
--> visit one museum
--> see two concerts
--> host an outdoor movie night
--> go on a trip
--> hike to the Hollywood sign
--> go to Bass Pro Shop
--> recreate 'that photo'
--> go to the movies in the cemetery
--> ice block
--> roller skate
--> go to the beach
--> dinner with the guys in apt 3
--> water balloon fight with HS girls
--> watch a season of TV in one weekend
--> cross-stitch something

What are we missing? Any must-see, don't miss, classic summer items?

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