Well, June was great. Really great. And I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that July is equally {if not more} awesome.
The other night {between a few episodes of Friday Night Lights--we have TWO first-timers over here and the excitement is amazing. Cheering and crying just the way God intended it} we made a list of a few things we are hoping to do in the next month...and document well, of course.
--> go to Afters Ice Cream
--> visit one museum
--> see two concerts
--> host an outdoor movie night
--> go on a trip
--> hike to the Hollywood sign
--> go to Bass Pro Shop
--> recreate 'that photo'
--> go to the movies in the cemetery
--> ice block
--> roller skate
--> go to the beach
--> dinner with the guys in apt 3
--> water balloon fight with HS girls
--> watch a season of TV in one weekend
--> cross-stitch something
What are we missing? Any must-see, don't miss, classic summer items?
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