Monday, February 06, 2012

There Are Several Better Ways To Spend Your $4000

Since moving in to my new home, the goal has been
to configure all of my belongings in such a way
that will allow me to vacate my storage unit.

{vacate is the official term, which I learned this morning
when I said "close down" and was corrected by Earl,
the nice desk manager.}

I've had said storage unit for three years.

Three years spent deciding between
driving to the storage place and digging through boxes
or driving to Barnes and Noble to replace the book I want to re-read.

Three years of monthly payments...
meaning I have spent over $4000
keeping my belongings away from me.

no more.

January was move-in month.
I knew there was no chance I would move everything in
and get around to hiring to movers
{for two heavy Ikea bookshelves and an unbelievably heavy craft table}
who would then make it happen by January 16th
{pay day for the storage place.}

So I'm shooting for February.

I took a trip to my space today
{not myspace, though I do love have that app on my iPhone}

Having cleaned a majority of it last Spring,
I loaded up my car with boxes.
and boxes. and boxes. and boxes.

Then drove home to find a place for everything.

I rearranged my bedroom to make room for the "new" furniture.

Though the books will stay in their boxes until the bookshelf is delivered,
everything else has a place.

Ideally, my roommate won't even realize
that the living room was filled with boxes this morning.


James said...

Yep, there are several much better ways to spend the money, in fact you could do a car boot sale or yard sale and make money rather than store it. I work in a self storage unit in London people once storing tend to keep their units longer now, and we are finding that more people are working from home and using storage units to keep their spare room things in. Another thing in London are doing is room renting, giving up their spare room to take in a lodger especially with the olympics coming up, every room in london counts!

James said...

and just in case any looking for london self storage click on!

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