Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Fourth Birthday, Blog

Today is Flag Day.
Thank you, Ryanne, for reminding me every year!

Today, when I received my Happy Flag Day text, I remembered something:
My blog was born on Flag Day!

Here is my first post:

And here I am, four years with two blogs.
And a combined total of 1,978 posts.

I love you, little blog.
Thank you for being a place that has captured my thoughts and moments of excitement and even my heart breaks (of which there have been quite a few in four years!)

Thank you for reading...or, more likely, subscribing.
There is definitely more blogging to come.


Julie Hibbard said...

Happy Blogaversary!

And your blog has birthed SO many more...mine, Gina's, Papa's...and God only knows how many others!!
I read, subscribe and look forward to many many more posts!!
You are an inspiration every single day!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Thanks again for making me a blogger...the other day I happen to notice how many posts I've done and the number amazed somewhere near 148...WOW Man!
I think that's a 13 to 1 ratio...