Wednesday, April 01, 2009


One of my favorite on-going conference bits this year was PDY-not?!
We had about 12 of our staff in sandwich boards giving out candy and drinks pre-session...and then during 4 of the 8 sessions, interrupted the games (and once, teaching time) to hand out some ridiculous food item...night 1: ice cream, day 2: chips and salsa party, day 3: meatballs (watch the video HERE), day 4: corn dogs.

I had mentioned, early in the week that, more than anything, I wanted a photo of all 12 people in sandwich boards...and a picture of the stenciled trashcan (courtesy of Joel Dievendorf and a quick Banksy-lesson for Matt Hall) on the back.

Needless-to-say, no photo was taken (in the chaos of packing, repacking and cleaning up each bin all day--Thank you Jamie!)...until the final morning...and these were taken simply to appease me...

So, who's got the last laugh now, buddies? I'm posting them for the world to see. Ha.

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