Sunday, June 08, 2008

Seriously, Julie Hibbard DNA...

I just moved my entire bedroom back to its correct location...all by myself.

4 shelves filled with DVDs. I didn't take the DVDs off...that would have taken too long, I just moved them.

A bedside table with lamp and alarm clock (easy).

Oh, and my bed...mattress, box spring, frame...Queen-size...

The whole time I was thinking, I can't wait to tell my mom I did this alone...I am totally her daughter right now!

I also fixed all of the frames...but that was nothing compared to the bed.

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

THAT is my girl!!
I was gonna write, "you should have called me, I would have come help you."
But that would not be me. I never call anyone to help me and I have moved COUCHES up stairs. Plus, like you I imagine, I want to do it NOW! Not next Thursday when someone can come over!
Good for you!